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  1. A

    Remove lasers

    no admins willing to comment about this?
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    Remove lasers

    RPD {Tambov} Supernova and husky. surprisingly these 3 stooges are on just now lol
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    Remove lasers

    it ruins the game play for other people that actually want to play normal and kill properly. There are 3 people so far I see that constantly do it and i'm not surprised those are the high levelled people.
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    Remove lasers

    Great it got removed but now we have something else that spoils the game which is that smoke thing I see certain people constantly throwing and killing all the zombies.
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    Zombie Riot Changes

    90% of people that play just basically camp and use lasers to ger cheap kills over and over again every round, its so predictable to know what they're going to do. Nacs the worst, years of playing and still the same.
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    Remove lasers

    I suggest you consider removing the the lasers because far too many people abusing it for cheap kills especially mmaximm_Eвгеньенвич). All he does is lays it down and goes afk.
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    The Zombie Riot is now equipped with a RPG!

    please remove the lasers. Far too many people eg "mmaximm_Eвгеньевич)" just use it and afk to get easy kills.
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    What about the zr? (aka tell us your opinion about what we should improve)

    yep that's why I don't bother playing the riot server anymore. They RTV as soon as they join the server to choose the usual camping maps eg house ( nacs favourite hiding in that little room throwing his frags ).
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    randomly kicked

    may i ask who the admin was then.
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    randomly kicked

    I don't know who the admin was in the game as they didn't say anything nor do I know any admins to be honest. Only 2 people were on at that time ( kony ) and ( mr enderman is a epic gamer ). Either one of them or someone else hiding. Like I said i was on the riot server running around killing...
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    randomly kicked

    ok i was playing the zr piranesi map about 15 mins ago theres an admin kicked me off the server twice for no reason when I didn't even break and rules. Perhaps an admin can check who was on that map at the time because the guy isn't do a good job.
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    What about the zr? (aka tell us your opinion about what we should improve)

    Thanks, its actually more fun and challenging now its gone. Used to always see people put down lasers then run off to hide somewhere afk and 99% of their kills are from lasers. Ahh now campers in high spots where zombies can't reach them :feelsbadman:
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    What about the zr? (aka tell us your opinion about what we should improve)

    I've suggested this before but it will never happen, disable the lasers.
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    The Zombie Riot server has been revived

    So Dazhkar since I saw you on the zombie riot server a fewe minutes ago what did you think of people just putting down the lazers and afk in a spot where they can't get killed
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    The Zombie Riot server has been revived

    I think there should be a change on the riot server as this guy for example is an extreme camper and knows exactly where you wouldn't get killed. Lots of times just puts down the lasers to kill and goes afk. Same when fighting the boss just camps in a spot and does nothing while others...
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    The Zombie Riot server has been revived

    Its ok you've fixed it as the past few days you can bump into other people.
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    The Zombie Riot server has been revived

    can you disable the blocking?
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    The Zombie Riot server has been revived

    Should try disabling the lasers too many people abusing it especially bhz, the guy is so predictable on every map.
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    The Zombie Riot server has been revived

    the rtv still the same, me and another guy playing then this dikhead aLpeRq comes on and actives map selection straight away, few mins later goes away.