Custom background for CS:S


Veteran Admin
Jul 15, 2019
Canada / Norway
This thread will explain how you can get a custom background in CS:S for both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios.
A program is needed. VTFEdit:

There are two categories. 16:9 and 4:3. Find your aspect ratio.

Tips. Don't pick an image with a white background. It will make the menu hard to see.
16:9 Aspect ratio. Filename: background01_widescreen from Janhud

  1. Open VTFEdit. Press the Import button or press "File" and then "Import".
  2. Find the picture you want to have. Select it and open it. A "VTF Option" window will pop up. Copy the settings for your aspect ratio.
    General tab:

    Advanced tab:
  3. Press Save As... and save the file to either "background01" for 4:3 or "background01_widescreen" for 16:9.
    If you are using any type of custom hud, e.g JanHud. You need to place the VTF(the background) inside your hud folder as the hud takes priority when loading the background!
    Put the VTF file here:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\custom\JanHud\materials\console

    If you do not have an awesome hud like Janhud, you can place it here;
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\custom\Whatevername\materials\console
    "Whatevername" can be any name. Just make the folders to get to this pathway or just download my amazing hud!
    Delete any VMT FILE. NOT VTF, BUT VMT! It will be a text file with some rubbish coding. It will prevent your background from loading. It will appear at the same location as where you save the VTF file.

  5. Open CS:S and enjoy your new sexy custom background!
I have saved multiple backgrounds, but CSS will only run one. Make sure that the background you want to load has the correct name! Use this image as reference: I hope it helps! If you have any issues or need help. Don't hesitate to ask below.
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since you are at it, can i load backgrounds by using console commands?
for example the default back ground is loaded, can i ingame load another one?
also what would happen if i put more than 1 background files in [Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\materials\console]?
since you are at it, can i load backgrounds by using console commands?
As I am aware. You cannot through the console. But maybe you can load it by exec a config file that changes the background.
for example the default back ground is loaded, can i ingame load another one?
No. You need to restart CS:S for the new background to be loaded.
also what would happen if i put more than 1 background files in [Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\materials\console]?
You can put whatever in there. Even your nudes. But it will only load these files:
Jan, Forlorn asked me if you can fix the hud cuz server ip changed so we can't join the new server thru hud now. :p
say to Forlon that he should ask Jan that question himself. Thread closed /s 1624442189288.png