Jan's Admin Application 27/08/2020

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Veteran Admin
Jul 15, 2019
Canada / Norway
1. General Information.
-Nickname: Jan
-Age: 20
-Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:88609374
-Server(s) you are applying for: ZE
-Current Activity: Every day except Sunday. My whole first year of University will be online. I would be able to play in many different times and hours, but mainly after 3/4pm ET. My timezone is ET/GMT+6.

2. Why do you want to be an admin?

To be straight to the point. There are not many NA admins here. In NA hours, some vast trolls and inflaters ruin rounds for players who usually don’t talk or lead when the server is in its “popular” hours. There are also the occasional cheaters with multi hack but also minor ones such as triggerbots, scripts, etc. To be honest, the report section works fine for me on most occasions. However, I think it would be a huge benefit to have an admin that is active in NA hours. My primary purpose is not only to maintain a pleasant gaming atmosphere for the Unloze community but also to give the NA playerbase a good experience.

3. What past experience do you have and other things that would benefit us having you as an admin?

]HeLL[ JB admin for four years. I have also hosted plenty of events on different servers on HeLL. E.g. Jailbreak, Minigames and ofc Zombie Escape.

I study computer engineering, so I know a bit of coding. As I have a lot of personal time because of COVID, I have made my chrome extension and helped resolve some issues with SM plugins for local servers for my amusement.

4. Can you play during edgy hours?

Yes. I live 6 hours behind the server. So when it’s 10pm on the server, it’s 4pm for me.

5. Imagine you as a brand new admin, you suspect a player to inflate on purpose.

If I suspect the player is inflating, then I need to confirm it by observing the player by spectating them. If they do inflate, then a verbal warning will be issued. I would explain to the player in detail what they are doing wrong. If the player is not taking my warning seriously and keeps up the same attitude, a kick with an appropriate message will be justified. Anything else after that, I would have to research this player and see if they are a recurring rule breaker. It all depends on the context of the situation. May the situation escalates, then a short ban will be appropriate. Shall this player be a serious/recurring rule breaker, then I would inform a senior staff member about the situation.


I generally always explain to a player in detail what they are doing wrong, as many players don’t even know what rules they are breaking, in this case, it would be “inflating”. In my experience, the extra effort put in communication between player and admin will usually resolve most issues. It can be a night and day difference if you approach the situation correctly.

6. Other stuff and/or last words.

I hope everyone is doing fine with COVID and general health itself. Don’t be afraid to say hi or good morning. A simple sentence like “Hi William” can brighten someone’s days tremendously :)
I would also thank anyone who read my application. Pardon me if it’s long. I am also available on discord to talk if there are any unanswered questions.

Sincerely Jan N.
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Idk the man but I've seen him sometimes and he never caused any trouble or concern, also I like the application, +1 and good luck mate
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