Plummy's Admin Application

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Retired Admin
Jun 9, 2022
Nickname: Plummy
Age: 21
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:30582064
Servers Applying For: ZE , MG
Current Activity: 3-4 hours at a time, usually around 16:00 CET server time to 21:00 CET server time.

2. (Why do you want to be an admin?)

I enjoy helping people, and this community is one that I would like to help make better for everyone; as an Admin, I will have the ability to work closely with peoples wants and needs as well as other administration to create goals to enrich and make an even better server!

3. (What past experience do you have and other things that would benefit us having you as an admin?)

I've been an officer for various communities or clubs, like helping do business for an academic club in real life, secretary duty for an organization with 500+ members, and I've wrote guides and been a helper for other games and communities.

4. Can you play during late hours?

I can easily play past midnight and even past 3-4am due to my time zone, I think generally since there are not many players or high demand for a structured experience during this time, I would be able to watch over and make sure to handle complains or issues that arise, and keep an eye on what's going on.

5. Imagine you as a brand new admin, suspect a player to inflate or break the server rules on purpose.

First I would want to make sure that the player I suspect is indeed the one inflating or breaking the rules, and then confront them about it to understand what kind of person they are, or why they did it. If they are a troll and are just telling me to fuck off, it would be easy temporary or perma ban based on previous behavior and rulebreaking. If it was their first time, they were just bored, and show regret or respond politely, gauging the situation to find an appropriate punishment or plan would be the first step, then recording what happened to know for if they break rules again.

6. Other stuff and/or last words.

Managing community and fulfilling the needs of a server culture is something that I think is really cool, as there's a lot of technique that can vary between how people handle situations. You could have it so that you trust the powered individuals to make individual judgements based on what happens, or a very strict bureaucratic method where there are strict rules for certain situations. Also, I like writing and a lot of theory, so hopefully I would be able to work with the team to make impactful changes for the better :)

You seem like a very nice person but honestly I can't help but to see this application as insincere. I base this off all the previous applicants following the same trend of writing things they think look good on the application (on almost every point actually) but not considering what is realistic.

Not to say that you'd be a bad admin, but I just wanted to give my two cents on why I think you are looking in the wrong direction. Either way, good luck!
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You seem like a very nice person but honestly I can't help but to see this application as insincere. I base this off all the previous applicants following the same trend of writing things they think look good on the application (on almost every point actually) but not considering what is realistic.

Not to say that you'd be a bad admin, but I just wanted to give my two cents on why I think you are looking in the wrong direction. Either way, good luck!
I think theres a culture of obfuscating kindness or positivity in favor of apathy or hate-- for any reason one might believe-- but I think a lot of my conversation with people either on discord or in game have been really positive and enriching ones. I've had the opportunity to talk to a lot of people about where and how they live, talk about various interests like books/reading, other games, etc. I'd also say I have seen communities that are "too nice" that can fall apart due to that. Like by being so inclusive and positive it basically brings really sensitive people who can complain all the time or spend all their time on the threads about mental illness, instead of having fun.
I think theres a place for this attitude, and I do believe that I generally have it, I just eschew it due to more complicated social dynamics or the fact that a lot of other staff members are... more straight forward in their moderation LOL
Its not that I have this "very positive attitude" all the time, but I do believe in having a diverse set of attitudes and perspectives that can be put towards helping make the server and community a better place. Most of the evidence I have are just previous conversations on discord or the server.
A big reason I can confidently act this way is because it provides a lot of value to myself to be an admin, as I can have the opportunity to learn a lot about how communities are managed and more about exercising power and authority.

I guess a lot of actions as a admin are straight forward, but I still believe that there can be a place for this kind of mindset, either forced or genuine, to help contribute to the server. I think that even your reply to my app shows a similar mindset to mine considering how kind you are in the response and how it supports the best interest of the server, so I don't think this attitude is impossible or etc. Idk, its just a series of complicated social interactions that you cant really put into words, but more into feelings, due to the complications. So I guess I can't really prove that I feel this way, but I think a lot of my text might support that these feelings are rather sincere.

Let me know if that covered all of your concerns!
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